INSTALLATION AND IMAGE DISPLAY: EARLY AVIATION 1 v1.5 for WIN 95 and WIN 3.1+ 1) INSTALLATION a) Make certain you are in Windows. The installation program will not run in DOS. Be certain that you are in the proper OS, either Windows 3.1+ or Windows 95, if you run a double boot system. Windows 3.1+ b) Put Disk 1 (or the shareware disk) into your floppy drive. In Windows 3.1+ from Program Manager's File Menu choose the Run option. Type a:\setup.exe or b:\setup.exe, depending upon whether a or b is the letter assigned to your 3.5" diskette drive. Click on OK. c) Alternatively, open the directory and file display for your floppy drive, or working directory wherein you unzipped the shareware archive, and double click on setup.exe. Windows 95 d) From the Start Menu choose Settings ... Control Panel ... Add/Remove Software. The installation wizard will find setup.exe on your floppy disk. Alternatively you can use Explorer to access the floppy disk, or directory where you unzipped the shareware archive, and double click on setup.exe. 2) Either accept the default path and directory for installation or edit to your own specifications. Choose whether or not to install EARLY AVIATION 1 as the default screen saver in the Desktop Item of the Control Panel. Notice that the word 'default' in the dialog is confusing. If you choose this option, EARLY AVIATION 1 will be installed as just one of your screen saver choices under the name MINICAT in the proper alphabetical position. However, it will become the active screen saver immediately. If you do not enable this installation option, EARLY AVIATION 1 will still be installed as a screen saver option but will not be active until deliberately enabled by you. See 'Your Windows Screen Saver" in the album for information about EARLY AVIATION 1 as a screen saver and how to configure it. 3) The installation will create a program group called MINICAT with a single item in it also called MINICAT. You may change the name of this icon to EARLY AVIATION 1 if you wish but there are reasons not to do so as explained in the manual. 4) Double Click upon the MINICAT icon and the opening screen of MINICAT is displayed. Notice the long horizontal button in the right window which is labeled EARLY AVIATION 1. Click on this bar and you will be presented with the EARLY AVIATION 1 album main screen. If you pause at this opening screen for several seconds, a slide show of all images in the album will begin in the left hand window. Notice that you can exit the program from this opening screen using the Exit Button. See the manual within the Media Album for additional instructions. 5) IMAGE QUALITY: SUPER IMPORTANT!! DON'T SKIP THIS!! a) The graphics files in this product are superb gray scale images. b) To view these images with all the brilliance and resolution they contain, set your monitor for 24 bit (16 million colors) if at all possible. They look OK at a monitor setting of 256 colors but not superb. If you enable these images as a screen saver, they will look best at 640 x480 because the images then occupy most of the screen area. c) Unless you have an old pre-1990 monitor, you already have installed software to change the resolution of monitor. Such software comes with all graphics cards and is preinstalled when you buy a computer in the retail market. I cannot give specifics here for the dozens of different graphics cards on the market. If you haven't discovered this monitor utility, which will be a Windows applet, consult the manual that came with your graphics card. If you lost it, call the store where you bought the computer or the manufacturer of the computer. 6) Our E-text catalog (ASCII) does not install: it remains on your disk or in the directory within which you unzipped the shareware. This file is too large to be handled by Notepad in Windows 3.1+ or Texto'LE in Windows 95. In Windows 3.1+, open it in your word processor or a text editor. In Windows 95, open it in a word processor or Word Pad. (C) 1995-1996 REALITY SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 105 WALDOBORO, ME 04573-0105 WWW: